Mountain Blue Vision

Love What We Do
Capture the most memorable moments of your life so you can enjoy what you really love.

Our services

What makes photograph so alluring? We believe the answer is you. That’s why we have made our entire focus on you.

We provide the following services.

Models Wanted

We are now looking for individuals who are not camera shy and love sharing their best moments of life. Here is the right place and right time to drop by. We will advertise you and connect you with the market.

If you are a confident person and would like to share your story with us, please feel free to hit me up. If you have any questions or are interested in booking with Mountain Blue Vision, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


#122-1881 152 Street, Surrey,

BC V4A 9Y9


+1 (778) 317-4260 (text)


Monday-Friday: 9:30am-5:00pm

Saturday-Sunday: 10:00am-4:30pm